Parents » Attendance Office

Attendance Office

Contact the EHS Attendance Office at 760-291-4010

black cougar paw


To Report or Clear an Absence - To clear an absence, please call the 24-Hour Attendance Office Line at 760-291-4010.Leave a message that includes your student’s name, I.D. number, grade level, date of absence, and reason for absence. Please speak clearly and leave a contact phone number so that the attendance clerk may contact you during the day.

Please Leave a Message - If you are calling during normal business hours and reach the voicemail, it is because we are on another line or helping a parent or student at the attendance window. Please leave a message. We check and retrieve our voicemail every few minutes throughout the day.

Off Campus Pass Requests- The student must obtain an off campus pass (OCP) from the Attendance Office prior to leaving campus. Failure to do so will result in a Saturday School. On Mondays you may not call after 1:45 p.m. Tuesday-Fridays you may not call after 3:15pm to request an early release (OCP). We no longer deliver off-campus passes to classrooms. Please call at least 1 hr in advance  and ask your student to pick-up the pass in the attendance windows before school,  nutrition break or lunch. The Attendance Office does not issue OCP's for students to leave at lunch or during the last 30 minutes of the school day.                                             
Attendance hotline number is (760) 291-4010 please be sure to leave a detailed message with the following information.                                                                                                                                                       
  • Student Name - First and Last Name 
  • Your Name and Your Relationship to the Student
  • Student ID Number/ or Birth Date 
  • Reason for student's departure and time of release
  • Phone Number Where You Can be Reached. 


Attendance is Important! State law requires pupils to attend their assigned classes every day school is in session. Any student missing more than 30 days for any one class in a semester will not receive credit for that class. All absences not cleared by a parent / guardian phone call to the attendance office within 72 hours will be considered truant and the student will be assigned a Saturday School. The absence must be cleared for the truancy to be removed.

Making Up an Absence - Students can make up absences during Saturday Schools offered at least once per month or by attending four 1 hour after school attendance make up sessions Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Saturday Schools are held from 8:30a-12:30p and breakfast and lunch are available.  After school make up sessions are held from 3:45p-4:45p. Please call the AP office for more information (760) 291-4021.



Saturday School Schedule

  • 9/14/2024
  • 10/5/2024
  • 10/19/2024
  • 10/26/2024
  • 11/16/2024
  • 12/7/2024
  • 12/14/2024
  • 1/25/2025
  • 2/1/2025
  • 2/8/2025
  • 3/1/2025
  • 3/8/2025
  • 3/15/2025
  • 3/29/2025
  • 5/10/2025
  • 5/17/2025
  • 5/31/2025