Principal's Message

Jason Jacobs
Escondido High School Principal
Since 1894, Escondido High School has served the students of Escondido, “The Hidden Valley,” well. For decades, residents of the rural farming communities surrounding Escondido sent their children to Escondido High School to prepare them for their future. As the second oldest high school in the County of San Diego, Escondido High School has successfully prepared generations of students who have laudably served our nation while fulfilling their personal dreams. The present campus was built in 1954. The rich traditions that have become a part of the tapestry of student life have been passed from each generation to the next. The core of campus life is a staff and student body that have created a family bond while holding high academic expectations for all students. This generational connection has continued while the small farming communities have yielded to the urban and suburban sprawl that now make up the proud community of Escondido High School.
Escondido High School students have the opportunity to excel in many academic areas. We offer Advanced Placement courses in all core departments, and the number of students participating in these programs increases annually. Our agriculture, art, photography, and industrial arts students earned many blue ribbons at the San Diego County Fair in Del Mar. Our staff remains committed to providing a rigorous and challenging educational program, while continuing the student centered approach that EHS has been known for. EHS is rich with tradition, promotes academic excellence, and is filled with Cougar pride.
Jason Jacobs
Escondido High School