Mrs. Lally's Earth Systems-Period 1 Assignments

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Edpuzzle | 4 Inventions to save Earth in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | 4 Inventions to save Earth


Virtual Field Trip to a Museum in Google Classroom

Virtual Field Trip to a Museum

Follow the link to the National Air and Space Museum. Pick any exhibit that interests you and go explore. Share with me a list of 10 things you learned or found interesting from your virtual field trip. We will do this again next week for another exhibit so don't worry if you want to check out more than one. Have fun!


Edpuzzle | Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye | National Geographic in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye | National Geographic

Watch the video and answer the questions as you go.


How did your 4th weeks of classes go? Do you need any help? Do you have any questions? in Google Classroom

How did your 4th weeks of classes go? Do you need any help? Do you have any questions?


Land Management and Conservation in Google Classroom

Land Management and Conservation

Read and answer the questions on the pages. If you need help, let me know.


Edpuzzle | Global Warming in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Global Warming


Edpuzzle | Causes and Effects of Climate Change | National Geographic in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Causes and Effects of Climate Change | National Geographic


Edpuzzle | Ocean Pollution: Oil Spills in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Ocean Pollution: Oil Spills

Take notes as you watch and answer the questions.


Virtual Field Trip to a Museum in Google Classroom

Virtual Field Trip to a Museum

Follow the link to the National Air and Space Museum. Pick any exhibit that interests you and go explore. Share with me a list of 10 things you learned or found interesting from your virtual field trip. We will do this again next week for another exhibit so don't worry if you want to check out more than one. Have fun!


Edpuzzle | Air Pollution 101 | National Geographic in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Air Pollution 101 | National Geographic

Take notes and answer the questions. If you get an answer wrong, you can review that section and answer again.


Edpuzzle | Ocean Pollution in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Ocean Pollution

Take notes and answer the questions as you go. Don't forget to answer the last question as best you can. Don't worry about spelling.


Tide Pool Virtual Field Trip in Google Classroom

Tide Pool Virtual Field Trip

Click on the link below to learn about tide pools and the animals that live there. List 10 facts you learned or things you found interesting or cool.


Edpuzzle | Landfills in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Landfills

Take notes and answer as you watch the video.


How did your 3rd week of online classes go? Do you need help with anything? in Google Classroom

How did your 3rd week of online classes go? Do you need help with anything?


Happy Earth Day- Making a Difference in Google Classroom

Happy Earth Day- Making a Difference

Take a look at the ways Sea World tries to help minimize their impact on the planet. Choose the two things you think makes the biggest impact and explain to me why what they are doing is important.


Edpuzzle | The Water Cycle in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | The Water Cycle

Take notes and answer the questions as you go.


Edpuzzle | Natural Resources in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Natural Resources

Take notes and answer the questions. If you get an answer wrong, you can rewatch that section and answer again.


Edpuzzle | Energy Resources in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Energy Resources

Watch the video and answer the questions to learn about Earth's Energy resources.


How did your second week of online classes go? Do you need help with anything? in Google Classroom

How did your second week of online classes go? Do you need help with anything?


Virtual Field Trip to a Museum in Google Classroom

Virtual Field Trip to a Museum

Follow the link to the National Air and Space Museum. Pick any exhibit that interests you and go explore. Share with me a list of 10 things you learned or found interesting from your virtual field trip. We will do this again next week for another exhibit so don't worry if you want to check out more than one. Have fun!


Edpuzzle | Seismic Waves in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Seismic Waves

This will replace your grade for the P vs S Wave assignment if you didn't do it or didn't turn it in. Be glad I'm not doing the rap!! I thought about it but figured I wouldn't make you listen to me try to rap. You know you miss me!


Edpuzzle | Earthquake Destruction in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Earthquake Destruction

Watch the video and answer the questions. This is a reminder of what we've already covered in class this semester.


Edpuzzle | Plate Tectonics  (Plate Tectonics Explained) in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | Plate Tectonics (Plate Tectonics Explained)

This is a quick reminder of what we learned about Plate Tectonics. Watch the video and answer the questions.


Edpuzzle | COVID-19 in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | COVID-19

Take notes and answer the questions. If you get an answer wrong, you can review that section and answer again.


You need to warn your friend/family member that a tsunami is coming but they don't know what it is or why it's so dangerous. Text them your warning here: in Google Classroom

You need to warn your friend/family member that a tsunami is coming but they don't know what it is or why it's so dangerous. Text them your warning here:


Movie Questions: 2012 in Google Classroom

Movie Questions: 2012

Write your answers to the questions on the document. Submit when you are done. You can rewatch the movie at home if you have Netflix. Or you can find it on YouTube or other places online. If you have any questions, let me know.


Do you have anything you'd like to share with the class? (Be school appropriate please.) Others can see and respond to your post. in Google Classroom

Do you have anything you'd like to share with the class? (Be school appropriate please.) Others can see and respond to your post.


Are you able to do online assignments consistently during the shutdown? If no, why not? in Google Classroom

Are you able to do online assignments consistently during the shutdown? If no, why not?


How are you doing? Are you stressed out? Relaxed? Worried? in Google Classroom

How are you doing? Are you stressed out? Relaxed? Worried?